Hello MPIR Fans,
MPIR is featuring The Mysterious Traveler and Mr. District Attorney. Plus, episodes of The Green Hornet, Dragnet, Intrigue and Mystery House, Rogues Gallery and The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe.
Mysterious Traveler 1943 - 1952. Written and directed by Robert Arthur and David Kogan, the series was sponsored by Adams Hats. It began on the Mutual Broadcasting System, playing in many different timeslots. The lonely sound of a distant locomotive heralded the arrival of the sinister narrator (portrayed by Maurice Tarplin), who introduced himself each week in the following manner:
This is the Mysterious Traveler, inviting you to join me on another journey into the strange and terrifying. I hope you will enjoy the trip, that it will thrill you a little and chill you a little. So settle back, get a good grip on your nerves and be comfortable—if you can!
Mr. District Attorney 1939 - 1952 a popular radio crime drama, produced by Samuel Bischoff, which aired on NBC and ABC. The series focused on a crusading D.A., initially known only as "Mister District Attorney," or "Chief". A key figure in the dramas was the D.A.'s secretary, Edith Miller (Vicki Vola).
Mystery House -- that strange publishing firm owned by Dan and Barbara Glenn -- where each new novel is acted out by the Mystery House staff, before it is accepted for publication. Mystery House was a program in the 1950s, but not your "run of the mill"-type program. Actually, it was more of a proving ground for novels. Dan and Barbara Glenn owned a publishing company named "Mystery House" located at 70 Park Avenue, New York City. Dan and Barbara decided to test some of their novels on a real listening audience. Each episode was taken from a novel they were planning on publishing. The entire staff at Mystery House was involved, everyone doing their part, whether it was rewriting to adapt it to radio, playing the parts, or doing sound effects -- everyone joined in. Sadly, not a lot is known about this series. Only fifteen episodes are known to exist.
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Until next time,
Clyde J. Kell
Mystery Play Internet Radio