Mystery Play Internet Radio

Old Time Radio Lives Here!

Mystery Play Internet Radio has been broadcasting old-time radio on the internet for 22 years. MPIR has evolved from simple playlists of mp3 formatted radio plays to sophisticated live stream programming to net casting on various listening devices. Clyde J. Kell the owner and operator of Mystery Play Internet Radio has only one purpose and passion. To enable as many people as possible from all over the world to listen and share old-time radio. My creativity now extends to creating visual art in acrylic, oil, watercolor, and pen and ink illustrations.

Thanks For Listening

Thank you so much for listening to MPIR and for your financial support. Your donations make it possible for millions of listeners around the world “staying at home” to tune in and provide some comfort.

They have sent me e-mails thanking me for providing this service and have told me they consider MPIR an essential service. This warms my heart and clarifies my mission.

MPIR is here for you, and remain broadcasting the best old-time radio on the net with your continued donation support. I Thank You!

Send In Your Donation Today.

Special Request

Hello MPIR listener,

I don’t usually share personal information and I live a very private life. I am asking for your prayers, good wishes, positive energy whatever you believe for my little grandson Sammy. He was born 7 months premature and is in critical condition. My daughter gave birth via C-section surgery in Bologna Italy.

Sammy is in need of your prayers and positive energy and good wishes. I know that I can count on you MPIR listener. Thank you!