Mystery Play Internet Radio

Old Time Radio Lives Here!

Mystery Play Internet Radio has been broadcasting old-time radio on the internet for 22 years. MPIR has evolved from simple playlists of mp3 formatted radio plays to sophisticated live stream programming to net casting on various listening devices. Clyde J. Kell the owner and operator of Mystery Play Internet Radio has only one purpose and passion. To enable as many people as possible from all over the world to listen and share old-time radio. My creativity now extends to creating visual art in acrylic, oil, watercolor, and pen and ink illustrations.

Police and Crime Fighters

Hello MPIR Fans, and Friends,
Now playing on the mystery stream are shows of Police and Crime Fighters. Featuring several episodes of Dragnet, 21st Precinct, The Green Hornet, Casey Crime Photographer, In The Name Of The Law, Squad Cars a South African series, Tales of The Texas Rangers, The FBI In Peace And War, The Shadow, The Crime Club, and This Is Your FBI. Maybe if we had these guys working today our terrorist problems would be resolved!

The Comedy stream, and History Capsule streams will be updated by the end of the day.

As always please remember MPIR is listener supported and your donations are very much appreciated. Any amount donated is appreciated. PayPal can process your donation via credit card without having a paypal account. Just scroll down the page for entry instructions on the paypal page. Thank You!

Wishing you happy listening!

I Remain Obediently Yours,
Clyde J. Kell
Mystery Play Internet Radio